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Welcome to the VALENTINO S.p.A. website, at the URL www.valentino.com (the “Website”).


Please carefully read this Privacy Policy, which applies whenever you access the Website, regardless of whether you purchase the products sold on it. Please also read the General Terms and Conditions of Use, since they contain important information on the Website. Please also note that you can also find within the Legal Area of this Website the repository containing all the boutique privacy policies used in the individual countries where Valentino is present with its shops.


Please note that this Privacy Policy is governed by European Regulation no. 2016/679 (the "Regulation") and any other local applicable privacy law (together with the Regulation, the “Privacy Laws”). The Privacy Laws guarantees that personal data (i.e. any information relating to an identified or, even indirectly, identifiable physical person) processing will be carried out in compliance with fundamental rights and freedoms, as well with respect for the dignity of the data subject, with particular reference to confidentiality, personal identification and the right to personal data protection.



VALENTINO S.p.A., with registered offices in Via Turati 16/18, 20121 Milano, Italy (hereinafter also “VALENTINO”) is the data controller for the processing related to the Website, including therein navigation data, marketing data and profiling data, as well as all the data related to sales made through the Online Boutique and to the corresponding pre- and post-sales support activities. Please note that the data controller is the entity that determines the purposes and modalities of the processing of personal data, in accordance with the Regulation.




VALENTINO has appointed a data protection officer, who can be contacted at the following e-mail address privacy@valentino.com.


For any information regarding the processing of your personal data, to complain and to exercise the rights set out below, you can also contact the data controller writing to Valentino, via Turati 16/18, 20121 Milano (at the attention of the Legal Department, which is appointed to manage the above, receiving and managing the same also involving the relevant departments, as per the internal Valentino procedures). 


Through the Website, different types of personal data are collected and processed, for the purposes below indicated: 

(a) personal data related to browsing, which is processed both for the purpose of allowing the Website to function properly, both to manage the sending of messages relating to purchases and the shopping cart, and to allow you to manage contractual relationships with third parties related to sales activities, and for marketing purposes. To this end, please read the “Cookie Policy” in the Legal Area of the Website;  

(b)  personal data provided voluntarily by the user (such as, e-mail address, personal information, contact details, password provided by filling in the "My Account" registration form) for the Account registration and to access to the personal account, or used to manage the same. 

Please note that registration and access through a social media profile will involve the disclosure of certain personal data (including first name, last name, email and any other data relating to the user and present on the same social profile) by the chosen social network. This requires user’s explicit permission to be given before logging in, which will allow you to carry out activities with the user account. In some cases, social networks require some feedback and information about the use of the log-in. For more information please refer to the relevant privacy documentation on the social network; 

(c) personal data provided by the users in the contact request form (i.e. personal information, contact details, purchase data and data related to the specific requests) addressed to the customer care and/or provided via telephone call to the customer care (it should be noted, in this regard, that upon explicit consent given by the user at the beginning of the phone call, the call may be recorded to enable Valentino to monitor its service offered to customers) or email, and processed by Valentino to respond to the user's requests and to offer the requested services, assistance and information regarding products and the VALENTINO world.

(d) personal data provided by the user (i.e. personal details, purchase data, delivery and contact details, payment preferences and data related to specific pre e post sale requests) as part of the processes of online purchase of products on the Online Boutique (and relevant interactions for activities necessary for the sale, as well as for any pre- and after-sales activities and assistance, and related services, including those provided at VALENTINO boutiques around the world, as well as activities related to return rights, statutory and contractual guarantees and products assistance); 


(e) personal data (i.e. purchase data, personal and contact details) processed for marketing purposes (i.e. information and updates on products, sales, promotional campaigns, events and other initiatives promoted by VALENTINO, using traditional tools  as post and telephone calls and by means of telematics, such as newsletters, e-mails, text messages, MMS and smart messages); Said commercial messages also includes messages suggesting purchases on hold to be completed (reminders on products viewed and abandoned carts), as well as activities and messages aimed at verifying customer satisfaction and the quality of service provided to them by VALENTINO; 


(f) personal data (i.e. data related to the purchases and preferences showed by the users) processed for the purpose of studying shopping habits and choices in order to make products and initiatives more responsive to the tastes and needs of its customers and to offer each individual customer the products and experiences most relevant to their preferences; 


(g) personal data (i.e. identification data, payment data, localization, purchase data) processed for the prevention and suppression of fraud and illegal behavior and/or contrary to current regulations, applicable contractual provision, as well as the rules of fairness and good faith. Such processing may also be carried out by third parties, such as companies specialized in the identification of online fraud, Public Authorities, Investigative Bodies, police officers and judicial authorities.



Please note that the processing of personal data is based on the following legal basis 












































Use of cookies







To allow the Website to function properly (legitimate interest where permitted by the Privacy Laws) 






Marketing and analysis, including Local Storage data (consent)
















Registration, access and use of the user’s personal account on the Website







To provide the customer with an account creation service and related facilities (contractual)






For the access to the personal account using social log-in legal basis is the consent 
















Customer care assistance 







To allow the company to provide the users the requested assistance (contractual/service)






For the registration of the phone calls the legal basis is the consent 
















Sale and pre-post sale services







Fulfilment of contractual and legal obligations of the seller 
















Marketing and delivery of commercial communication (including the abandoned carts messages)























Study and analysis of the purchases and user’s preferences























Anti-fraud activities







Protection of a right (legitimate interest where permitted by the Privacy Laws) and legal obligation


VALENTINO collects personal data directly from the user (by registration or during the purchase steps) with the exception of: 

- data collected with the navigation as per section 3 (a)-(f); 


- data collected with the social log-in as per section 3 (b); 


- data collected and processed for the purpose of preventing fraud and malfeasance on the Website as per section 3 (g).  



As indicated in Section 2 (f) above, with the user's explicit consent, VALENTINO may also process the latter's personal data for the purposes of analysing user's buying habits and selections, in order to make the VALENTINO products, services and initiatives more responsive to its customers' tastes and needs. 


VALENTINO will process, by automatic means the value purchased within a framework of time, the frequency of the purchases (even if the purchases are made during the sale period) and the kind of product purchased (accessories, clothes, haute couture, pret-a-porter). VALENTINO will not proceed with an intrusive study of the users’ behaviour and the study is only intended to propose to clients and users products, services and initiatives more responsive to their tastes and needs. 


Moreover, please note that as per Section 2 (a), with the user's express consent, VALENTINO can process personal data through an automatic means to study cookies in order to verify the navigation through the Website and to propose products and services in line with the navigation. 



The personal data collected through the Website of VALENTINO is primarily processed using computer and electronic means, adopting security measures in order to reduce to a minimum the risks of destruction or loss, including accidental loss, of the data itself, unauthorized access or processing without consent, or processing that is not in conformity with the purposes of collection indicated in this Privacy Policy. 


However, these measures, due to the nature of the online transmission method, cannot limit or absolutely exclude the risk of access without consent, or of dissemination of data. To that end, we recommend that you periodically verify that your computer is equipped with the appropriate software devices to protect from the transmission of incoming and outgoing data on the network (such as up-to-date antivirus systems) and that the Internet service provider has adopted suitable measures to ensure the security of data transmission on the network (such as, for example, firewalls and antispam filters). 


Each purchase on the Website is made with the utmost security thanks to the use of the most advanced technological systems and coding (SSL). 




With the exception of the navigation data (the provision and collection of which are regulated by the Cookie Policy), the provision to VALENTINO of personal data, both for requests and queries, and for the purposes of marketing and analysing consumer habits and preferences, is voluntary and optional. Failure to provide such data does not limit the use of the Website, although it may make it impossible for VALENTINO to respond to requests for information and queries, or to purpose customized products and services, or to send informational material, updates, newsletters and invites to VALENTINO events.

The provision of the data, especially personal details, email address, postal address, telephone number and bank details in case of credit card payments, is compulsory for executing, through the Website, the product purchase agreement.


Some of said data, moreover, may be necessary for providing to the user other services made available on the Website in connection with the sales (post sales and pre sales services such as made to measure services, pickup in boutique service, delivery, exchange, etc.) or for discharging the obligations deriving from the law or regulatory provisions (tax obligations and antimoney laundering). Any failure by the data subject to provide us with the data may therefore constitute, as the case may be, a lawful and justified reason for not performing the agreement of the products purchased on the Website and not providing the related services.


The mandatory or voluntary nature of the data to be provided will be, if necessary, and as the case may be indicated by means of a special character (*) placed next to the relevant information or to the data the provision of which is necessary for the purpose of providing the services and for purchasing the products on the Website. Any failure to furnish the data the provision of which is voluntary, does not entail obligations or disadvantages of whatever type.



VALENTINO will communicate personal data of the Website's users only as permitted by the law and as indicated below. Further to what indicated in point 2 b. (namely the Social log-in) personal data shall be processed and disclosed to

  • employees and consultants of VALENTINO, which will process data in their capacity of persons in charge of the processing;
  • other companies of the same Group acting as data processors (i.e. entities carrying out processing in the name and on behalf of the data controller, and having been appointed for that purpose), in order to carry out contractual activities and services (such as the pick-up in boutique services) and to carry out specific marketing activities (such as inviting the user to local events); and
  • companies acting in their capacity of data processors (i.e. entities carrying out processing in the name and on behalf of the data controller, and having been appointed for that purpose) and providing VALENTINO with specific technical and organizational services in relation to the Website (i.e. logistics services, IT services, customer care services and marketing services).


Personal data may also be disclosed to:

  • third parties for the sole purpose of performing the purchase agreement (the financial institutions in charge of providing remote card payment services through credit/debit cards);
  • third parties specialized in the prevention of computer and online payment-related fraud in order to protect the company from unlawful acts and damages;
  • police officers and judicial authorities, in compliance with the law and upon their request, or in case there are good reasons to believe that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to (1) investigate, prevent or take initiatives in relation to suspected unlawful activities, or assist national supervisory authorities; (2) prepare a defence against third party claims or charges, protect the security of its own website and of the company; (3) exercise or protect the rights, property or security of VALENTINO, the VALENTINO Group companies, its affiliates, customers, employees and third parties.



Personal data will not be disseminated, and will be transferred abroad only and if adequate levels of protection and sufficient safeguards, as provided for by the law, are guaranteed. 

VALENTINO mainly process personal data using data centers located in EU (Varese - Italy, Ireland and the Netherlands). 

However, Valentino operates in the world through its subsidiaries as listed here  and, in order to allow the same to collaborate to provide specific services on the territory (such as in-store appointment and product exchange or in-store return) and to execute marketing activities on behalf of VALENTINO, the data will be transferred to the relevant country (also non-EU countries). For this reason, in case of transfers to countries that are not covered by adequacy decisions of the Privacy Authority, VALENTINO entered into with the relevant subsidiaries the Standard Contractual Clauses (please see here the relevant standard as approved by the EU Commission) and prodded with a data transfer impact assessment, in order to protect the transferred personal data. 

Personal data may be transferred also to IT services providers in order to grant the subsidiaries to have access to the transferred personal data (such as AWS) and VALENTINO also entered with them a data processing agreement and Standard Contractual Clauses in order to protect the transferred personal data (carrying out the necessary impact and security assessment for the transfer of data).

You can always contact VALENTINO and the DPO to learn more about the location of your data and the measures applied to protect it.




Personal data collected and processed by the Website will be stored for the period of time indicated here below, after which the data are technically deleted or rendered totally anonymous using means that prevents it to be recovered. 














































Use of cookies







Please see the Cookie Policy to have a clear picture of the cookie data retention
















Registration, access and use of the user’s personal account on the Website







The time of use and activation of the account. Unused accounts are deleted after 7 years.
















Customer care assistance 







The time strictly necessary and any follow-up with the customer (records of phone calls will be kept for a maximum time of 45 days after recording, except for specific needs for in-depth and subsequent analysis and evaluation of the phone call) 
















Sale and pre-post sale services







up to a maximum of 10 years to comply with Italian tax and civil laws. 






Moreover, the data linked to the purchase may be stored for a longer period of time in order to (i) establish or manage a legal claim and (ii) comply with the special contractual product guarantees granted to the client due to the type of goods sold by VALENTINO and relevant services to be provided.
















Marketing and delivery of commercial communication (including the abandoned carts messages)







7 years, considering the luxury sector and the interest demonstrated by the clients to be updated on the products, events and runaways of VALENTINO. 
















Study and analysis of the purchases and user’s preferences







7 years
















Anti-fraud activities







Storage for the time strictly necessary for the handling of the individual case, investigation and possible judicial






A user always has the right to obtain from VALENTINO confirmation of whether or not personal data concerning him/her exists, even if it is not yet recorded, and to have it communicated to him/her in an intelligible form. A user also has the right to obtain information about the source of personal data; the purposes and methods of processing it, the logic applied in the event of processing that is performed with the aid of electronic instruments; the identification details of the controller and data processors; and indication of the persons or categories of persons whose personal data may be communicated, or who could end up being known by, for example, data processors or agents as data supervisors or data processors. A user also has the right to request an update, correction or, when s/he has an interest in doing so, an inclusion of personal data, deletion, conversion to an anonymous form or the blocking of personal data, that has been processed in violation of the law, including data which it is not necessary to keep in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or subsequently processed; a statement that the above operations were disclosed, including in terms of their content, to those parties to whom the data was communicated, except in the case in which such performance proves impossible or entails the use of methods that are clearly disproportionate to the right protected. The user can also ask for the portability of his/her data. Moreover, the user has the right to ask restriction of processing of his/her personal data.


You can exercise the above rights and ask information and further questions about the processing of your Personal Data by contacting VALENTINO and the Data Protection Officer writing to privacy@valentino.com (please note that the delivery of an email request entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender's address, necessary to respond to requests and keep track of them, as well as any other personal data included in the electronic communication, for legal purposes). You can also write by mail at VALENTINO, via Turati 16/18, 20121, Milano (Italy), at the attention of the Legal Department.


Please finally note that you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali), based in Piazza Venezia, 11, 00187 Rome (www.garanteprivacy.it), or with another data protection supervisory authority in the Country in which you reside.


Last upgrade: November 2022

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